
Student Conduct & 第九条

Student Conduct and 第九条 Office coordinates various cultural awareness events, preventative programming, and trainings throughout the year.  Programs include sexual assault prevention, dating/domestic violence prevention, and stalking awareness. 

我们致力于加强圣安东尼奥学院的性侵犯预防和应对.  我们努力在举报事件发生后24小时内对所有投诉和问题作出回应. 

Non-Academic Misconduct

Non-Academic Misconduct

澳门正规博彩十大排行平台地区学生行为准则(ACSCOC)列举了违反行为的标准和后果(制裁).  也, 它规定了对违规行为的裁定和上诉以及纪律听证会的程序.  ACSCOC适用于非学术不端行为和涉及学术诚信的行为.

ACSCOC纪律程序旨在不断保护和促进澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区社区的学习环境和利益.  对从事不当行为负有责任的学生受到鼓励, or assigned if necessary, 为了提高学生支持服务的效率,并始终保持符合规范的行为.  的ACSCOC disciplinary process is not a criminal or civil proceeding but an interal adminitrative proceeding. (阅读更多...]

Strategies of Behavioral Intervention (索比)

Strategies of Behavioral Intervention (索比)

的 索比 Team promotes student well-being, a thriving campus environment, 并通过积极的过程对成功的学术经验进行评估和干预. 敌意, verbal aggression, 抑郁症, 隔离, and withdrawal are key signals that should not be ignored.  Disregarding early warning signs facilitates escalation.  

鼓励学生阅读索比指南,并向索比反应小组报告有关行为. When in doubt, please report!  Remember that 索比 is non-punitive. If the student has violated the Code of Conduct, then please fill out the Non-Academic Misconduct Report Form. (阅读更多...]

第九条 - Sexual Misconduct

第九条 - Sexual Misconduct

第九条是一项联邦法律,禁止对接受联邦财政援助的教育机构的雇员和学生进行性别歧视. 第九条禁止歧视包括性骚扰和关系暴力行为.

圣安东尼奥 大学 does not tolerate sex discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual violence of any kind. To ensure compliance with 第九条, 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区在每个学院指定了一名地区第九章协调员和一名副第九章协调员. (阅读更多...]



尊重文化是圣安东尼奥学院的一项倡议,旨在创造一个重视和肯定学生和员工多样性的环境. 我们致力于建立一种快乐的学习和服务文化,通过相互尊重实现多样性的统一, 合作, and accessibility. 

圣安东尼奥学院致力于尽可能有效地解决投诉. 我们相信,提供一个听取投诉和/或不满的机制,使我们有机会改善我们的服务. 

Non-Academic Grievances

Non-Academic Grievances

只有在有明确和令人信服的证据表明学院官员通过歧视形式不公平地对待学生的情况下,学生才被鼓励使用非学术申诉程序, abuse and/or harassment.

Prior to initiating a formal grievance, the student should make a reasonable effort to resolve the problem with the person, or supervisor of the program, against whom the complaint is being made.  Click here if you would like to report a Non-Academic Grievance.

Academic Grievances / Integrity

Academic Grievances / Integrity

Faculty are responsible for classroom management, teaching strategies, testing and evaluation of student performance. 在学术机构,冲突可能在教育过程中发展,需要使用学术申诉程序进行学术干预.

当学生的不满不能通过与教师或主席/协调员的信息互动来解决时, 只有当有明确和令人信服的证据表明教师对学生不公平对待时,学生才可以使用学术申诉程序.  Click here if you would like to report an Academic Grievance / Integrity Violation.

Student Petitions

Student Petitions

鼓励学生填写学生请愿书,以解决任何合理的余额差异, 退款, Medical withdrawals, death of someone 关闭 etc. Supporting documentation must be provided with the Student Petition form i.e. emails, screenshots, medical records, obituaries etc. 的日期, 发生, 持续时间以及它如何对你的课程产生负面影响必须包括在支持文件中. All must coincide with the term in question. 的re needs to be undeniable proof of hardship. Grade changes, 三连冠规则或任何需要部门决定的事情都不会通过请愿程序完成. 的 Committee will not review anything over a year.  

Student Petition Form